Pending Judge Subscription

Please enter information on the form below to process subscription for Pending Judge.

Existing user? Please login

New User? Please register

Account Information,
Username can be your email address

If you are unavailable for judging then please only select "Currently Unavailable" or you will still be included in the judges list.
If you have a website where your work is displayed please provide the link here, this could be a website or your social media page or a gallery of your work on another site. please include the full url including the http:// the best way to acheve this accurately is to copy and paste it from your browser address bar
NB:- Judge or Provisional Judge status will be awarded by the review committee based on the information provided,
Before clicking submit, please take the time to review your application and double check your answers.
IMPORTANT make sure your email address is correct and that you have clicked on the terms and conditions link and reviewed the conditions.
Please have your Credit card or paypal details ready before you submit this form.
if you take to long to process this payment the payment gateway will time out and your membership application will fail.

Payment Information
