Conditions for Judges

Judge Members may attend meetings of the Association, where each will have a single voting right.

Judge Members are expected to comply with the Association’s “Best Practice Guidelines for Judges”, especially the “Code of Conduct”.

Unless otherwise directed by clubs or organisations, the scoring system for exhibitions will be as described under “Scoring System”.

Judge Members should follow the "Judging Method" document.

The method of critique used by judges will follow the principles outlined in “What the Judge Thinks”. 

Judges must engage in the Feedback process required after each judging event.  That is, complete a short on-line questionnaire about their experience as a guest of the club or organisation. FORM EXAMPLE HERE

In the spirit of continuous improvement, Judge Members are expected to attend WAPJA seminars and workshops and to engage in group judging sessions if at all possible.

Conditions for Clubs

Each Member Club may send one delegate only to meetings of the Association, where that person will have a single voting right.

A club must remain a financial member to access the Judges List.  Note that the Judges List is constantly being updated as new judges join the ranks and existing judges declare their availability or unavailability.

Clubs must agree that any arrangement made for a WAPJA judge to officiate at a club event is a direct contractual matter between the judge and the club and does not involve the WAPJA until the feedback questionnaire is required.

Clubs must engage in the Feedback process required after each judging event.  That is, complete a short on-line questionnaire about the performance of the judge during and after the event.  It is strongly recommended that the club elect or appoint a committee of at least three club members to agree on the rating given for each of the questions contained in the questionnaire. FORM EXAMPLE HERE

Conditions for Organisations

Each Member Organisation may send one delegate only to meetings of the Association, where that person will have a single voting right.

An organisation must remain a financial member to access the Judges List.  Note that the Judges List is constantly being updated as new judges join the ranks and existing judges declare their availability or unavailability.

Member Organisations must agree that any arrangement made for a WAPJA judge to officiate at an event is a direct contractual matter between the judge and the organisation and does not involve the WAPJA until the feedback questionnaire is required.

Organisations must engage in the Feedback process required after each judging event.  That is, complete a short on-line questionnaire about the performance of the judge during and after the event.  It is strongly recommended that each organisation complete the questionnaire using the collective views of at least three organisational representatives.

Conditions for Ordinary Members

Ordinary Members may attend meetings of the Association, where each will have a single voting right.

Ordinary Members are welcome to attend WAPJA seminars and workshops as observers.