There are 6 membership categories. All memberships are approved by the WAPJA Committee. Applicants for membership as Judge or Provisional Judge are initially designated "Pending Judge" until approved by the Membership Review Committee.

  • Judge Member - Annual fee $25
    • this category is for Photographic Judges approved by the Association.
  • Provisional Judge Member - Annual fee $25
    • this category of for Photographic Judges yet to be approved by the Association as Judges.
  • Ordinary Member - Annual fee $25
    • this category is for interested parties, other than Clubs or Organisations, who wish to have access to the facilities of the WAPJA, but do not wish to become judges.
  • Club Member - Annual fee $35
    • this category is for Clubs affiliated with the West Australian Photographic Federation (WAPF).
  • Club Member NON WAPF Affiliate - Annual fee $100
    • this category is for Clubs Not  affiliated with the West Australian Photographic Federation (WAPF).
  • Organisation Member - Annual fee $100
    • this Category is for other groups who have a need for photographic judges from time to time and includes Shire Councils, businesses.


Individual members who wish to change their membership status should contact a member of the club executive.  There will be no additional fee..